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Monday, August 9th, 2021

Our Enemy Is STILL the State

George F. Smith

What Would Our Economy Look Like in the Shadow of Vaccine Passports?

Brandon Smith

Three Quarters of New Covid Cases Are in Vaccinated People—CDC study

Jon Rappoport

Has the US Begun Its “Great Retreat”?

The Saker

mRNA Expert Speaks Out on the COVID Crisis

Joseph Mercola

An Orthodox Take on Scholasticism

Bionic Mosquito

Forbes: “Forget About Peak Oil – We Haven’t Even Reached Peak Coal Yet”

Eric Worrall

Iraq Needs an Independent Government, Not ‘Training’

Eric S. Margolis

Joe Biden is Recreating “The Camp of The Saints” at the US Border


How the New Mileage Tax Will Get Your Old Car Off the Road

Eric Peters

The Bad Path of Relativizing the Rule of Law

Jonathan R. Verlin

These Key Similarities Between Lenin’s Red Terror and America’s Woke Culture Reveal Left’s Blueprint For Complete Takeover


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