Dear Supporter,
Over 20,000 of you responded to our first Sunday Survey of this year, which focused on the issues surrounding Covid. We'd like to thank all of you who took part!
Going forward, we hope to increase the frequency of these surveys and they will play an important role in developing our party's policy platform. Not only will they inform us of what our supporters think, but they will also be key to building the policy groups which will debate, consider and develop our policies in detail. Many of you will have read our Reform Is Essential plan which outlined our intentions; it is now time for us to put meat on those bones as we evolve as a political party.
Therefore with each Sunday Survey we will be inviting people with the relevant experience and qualifications to join the policy group for that topic. We will be looking for people with real life expertise to help us find the solutions to the problems our country currently has.
Our Survey this week is titled Keeping Britain Secure, which will be asking your views on law and order and border security, including the current crisis in the English Channel.