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You know it. We know it. We say it every year. But 2021 is THE MOST important campaign season in most of our lifetimes here in Virginia, and we have candidates who have razor thin margins running for re-election and Republicans are pouring millions into those districts to unseat our Progressive champions. One of those Delegates is Joshua Cole from the 28th District: 

Josh was one of the "majority makers" back in 2019, bringing Democrats into control of the House by just 5 seats. That is why the 28th district is crucial for us to hold onto in 2021. Since taking the House, Democrats have been able to right the ship taking Virginia from being one of the worst states to vote in to passing our own voting rights legislation. In addition, the Commonwealth has legalized marijuana, expanded protections around Reproductive rights, passed sweeping environmental legislation, and even banned the Death Penalty for the first time in the South. 

Not only is he one of the youngest elected officials in the General Assembly, Josh has been a leader on everything that we have been working towards: carrying bills to ban corporations from contributing to political campaigns and to instate a moratorium on new fossil fuel projects. We must keep him in the House so that he can continue to do the work that we need him to do. 

The 28th District is almost 50-50 when it comes to Democrats vs Republicans so every. vote. counts. Can you help us out by contributing $25, $50, $100, or more to our tandem fundraising effort to make sure that Josh gets re-elected? 
In Solidarity, 
KTBBH takes its initials from the late great Henry Howell who said he would "Keep the Big Boys Honest."  That's what Progressives need to do now in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We rely solely on everyday donors like you to make sure that we support elected officials who only answer to you, the people.  Consider helping out our cause by donating anything you can afford now. 
Paid for and Authorized by KTBBH PAC

Our Mailing Address is: 
PO Box 101547
Arlington, VA 22210

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