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Weekend Edition, August 7-8, 2021

Perspectives on the Pandemic

Mark Crispin Miller

We Will Not Comply: A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny

Brandon Smith

Was JFK Struck in The Throat by a Bullet From The Front?

Dom Armentano

The Eviction Moratorium Will Soon Come to a Screeching Halt, Who’s to Blame?

Michael Shedlock

2001: The Moult of the American Empire

Thierry Meyssan

Is it Selfish To Refuse the Jab??

L. Reichard White

LRC’s Top Books for July 2021


You Were Warned: Automakers Team Up With Biden To Force Electric Cars On Consumers

Issues & Insights

Republicans Smell Blood In The Water In California

Curt Mills

Kamala’s ‘America is Back!’

Tom Fowdy

The Very Fine People of a Civilized Society

James Howard Knustler

The Richest And Most War-Mongering Nation on Earth Is Still Addicted To Bombing Poor, Defenseless Nations

Maitreya Bhakal

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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