The corruption under the usurping Democrats is unprecedented in Americna history.
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COVID PAYOFFS: CDC Director Walensky’s Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants – and That’s Just the Start of It
The corruption under the usurping Democrats is unprecedented in Americna history.

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky's Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants – and That's Just the Start of It

By Scott Hounsell | Redstate | Aug 06, 2021 ...

APPALLING Hollywood Feminists Silent On Revelations That Time’s Up Helped Cuomo Undermine Accuser
Feminism is a phony movement originating in Marxist/Leninism. These women would sell their own mothers and daughters down the river.

Ashley Judd, Eva Longoria, America Ferrera, Natalie Portman, Brie Larson, Amy Schumer, Rashida Jones, Emma ...

Florida OKs School CHOICE Vouchers For Parents In Districts Requiring Masks, FREED From Public School Tyranny
Finally school choice. Parents won't go back to pubic schools. Watch.

Silver linings playbook.

Texas A.G. Ken Paxton said this is an excellent idea for Texas.

Florida OKs school vouchers in districts requiring masks

Florida’s ...

WATCH: ISRAEL Rhythmic Gymnast Linoy Ashram Wins GOLD MEDAL
To Bernie, Betty McCollum, and the Squad; this ones for you. Am Yisrael Chai! #BDSFail!

HaTikvah, the Israeli national anthem is played in #Tokyo2020 for the 2nd time, & in the history of the #Olympics for the 3rd time!

Congrats Linoy Ashram ...

Sex-Creep Cuomo’s Lawyers Just Proved He Has No Credible Defense
He's a Democrat – he could gang rape a convent and the Democrats, movie folk, TV emmy sycophants, university headbangers, cheer himHe's a Democrat – he could gang rape a convent and the Democrats, movie folk, TV emmy sycophants, university ...

Florida Governor DeSantis Reacts to President Biden’s ‘Governor who?’ Remark; ‘What Else Has He Forgotten?’
The Left is terrified of Governor Ron DeSantis. They know that DeSantis has game. They know what DeSantis would do to President Biden on a debate state. And they know that DeSantis can be elected POTUS in 2024. We can expect the mainstream media to ...

Federal Government Released Over 7,000 COVID-Positive Migrants In McAllen, TX Alone
The Democrats have declared war on us. Are we going to fight back?

Federal Government Released Over 7,000 COVID-Positive Migrants in McAllen, TX

“On Monday, we watched Border Patrol drop off bus loads of migrants in downtown McAllen all ...

Let Them Eat Cake: Obama LIED – Massive Party Tents Set Up At His $15 Million Martha Vineyard Compound in Advance of Lavish B-Day Bash Today
Of course, they would lie and say they were not having Bam's birthday party and then simply have it.

The Democrat-criminal-media will never report on it or that there’s still going to be 500 people there or how bloody rich these Democrat ...

DEMOCRAT WAR ON AMERICA: Biden Wants To Cut Funding for ‘Border Security Assets and Infrastructure’ by 96%
No borders? No

Biden Wants To Cut Funding for 'Border Security Assets and Infrastructure' by 96%

President Joe Biden has now revealed there is at least one area in which he is a fiscal conservative: When it comes to providing the ...

Jewish Voice for Peace Linked To Anti-Israel War Rally in Brooklyn
Jewish Voice for Peace is a vicious anti-Semitic hate group, that is masquerading as a Jewish civil rights organization. JVP has a long history of defaming and attacking pro-Israel Jewish students on American college campuses. Now they are inciting ...

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