Welcome back to the Data for Progress newsletter, your update on our research, blog posts, and memes.
Memo: Polling on The Green New Deal in Battleground Districts
In a new memo, we showed that the Green New Deal isn’t just popular in highly progressive Democratic districts — it’s also popular with voters in battleground districts.
According to our polling, a plurality of voters in battleground districts — 49 percent — support the Green New Deal, compared with just 36 percent who oppose.

Respondents were most likely to support the Green New Deal when presented with arguments about “economic growth” and “new jobs,” indicating that these topics are most persuasive for battleground district voters.

In our survey, we also asked respondents whether they’d support candidates with less ambitious Green New Deal investment plans as opposed to more ambitious ones, ranging from a $1.7 trillion plan by 2050 to a $10 trillion plan by 2030. Perhaps surprisingly, voters showed similar support for each option, despite wide disparities in the levels of investment that they’d require.
To read the full memo, click here.
Memo: Voters Support a Range of Actions to Reduce the Cost of Prescription Drugs
With the pharmaceutical industry consistently ranking as one of the least popular industries in the U.S., we asked voters which policies they support to regulate big pharma. We found that a majority or plurality of Americans support each of the issues we polled.

There is a bipartisan consensus on some of these issues, too. More than 50 percent of Republican voters support each of the following policies:
Public disclosure of pharma R&D costs
Medicare negotiating drug costs with pharma companies
Allowing imports of FDA-approved drugs
Allowing governments to produce generics if the price is too high
An Analysis of Bernie and AOC’s Progressive Housing Plans
On September 17, Bernie Sanders released a comprehensive progressive housing plan, including shelter for homeless families, tools to combat gentrification, a ban on no-cause evictions, and perhaps most significantly, $2 trillion for new social housing to construct nine million new homes for populations in need. Read our full analysis of Sanders’ plan here.
We also broke down Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “A Place to Prosper Act”, released September 25, which, similar to Sanders’ plan, includes a nationwide cap on rent increases, a ban on no-cause evictions, strict regulations on landlords, and new funds for localities that encourage affordable housing. Read our analysis of AOC’s plan here.
Memo: Restoring Independence and Fairness to Agriculture Under a Green New Deal
Last week, we released a full agricultural policy memo that includes enforcing Fair Labor Standards, enforcing the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts on CAFOs, and placing a strict moratorium on new and expanded CAFOs. To read our full memo, click here.
Two Important Data For Progress Campaigns
As the battle to impeach President Trump continues to heat up, we’re raising money through our new Impeach The Motherfucker Already fundraiser to support House Democrats in swing districts that support impeachment. Click here to support our campaign.
Data Bytes
Americans Want to Live in a Just Society: Our polling finds that the majority of Americans support key elements of AOC’s “A Just Society” policy package, including the construction of low-cost apartments, rent subsidies for low-income families, creating a national tenant bill of rights, and mandatory landlord reporting on rent, evictions, and spending.

The Progressive Labor Platform is Popular: According to a recent DFP memo on labor policy, a plurality of Americans think it should be easier rather than harder to form a union, and 56 percent of voters would support a federal “Just Cause” law, which would end the practice of “at will” employment, therein preventing employers from being able to fire anyone for any reason.

Support for Impeachment is Rising: According to a DFP and YouGov Blue survey from September 27-30 (after the Trump-Ukraine scandal emerged), a majority of American voters — 51 percent — support an impeachment inquiry after hearing arguments on both sides. Just 41 percent oppose.

Memo: Paid Family Leave in the 2020 Election: According to DFP polling, two-thirds of American voters — 66 percent — support using a payroll tax increase to create a program providing up to twelve weeks of paid leave for serious personal or family health issues or to care for a new child. Only 27 percent oppose.
Read our full memo, including in-depth details on paid family leave and the FAMILY Act, by clicking here.
A Plurality of Registered Voters Support Forgiving Medical Debt: In light of Bernie Sanders’ new plan to relieve all medical debt, we asked respondents in a recent poll for their opinion on forgiving medical debt. Our survey found that a plurality of voters — 48 percent — are supportive, while 39 percent oppose.

Memo: Voters Support Mental Health Interventions: In a recent memo on mental health programs in schools, we share DFP polling which shows that 69 percent of Americans would support a policy to require all schools to provide mental health programs to all children regardless of income.

From The Blog
Americans Want to Live in a Just Society
Even Before the Ukraine Scandal, the Effect Of Impeachment On House Democrats Was Unclear
AOC & the Progressive Consensus on Housing
Support for Impeachment is Rising
A Plurality of Registered Voters Support Forgiving Medical Debt
Elizabeth Warren’s Environmental Justice Plan is Popular
Warren’s “Empowering American Workers and Raising Wages” Plan Rises to Sanders’s Challenge
Medicare for All as an LGBTQ Issue
The Role Of News Interest In Candidate Evaluation
John Bel Edwards is Favored in Louisiana’s Governor Election
Media Hits
Group Launches Fund To Protect Democrats In Swing States Who Support Impeaching Trump @Huffington Post
You Might Be Surprised at How Far Americans Are Willing to Go to Overthrow the Power of Big Pharma @Common Dreams
Poll: the Green New Deal is popular in swing House districts @Vox
A successful climate plan must also tackle the housing crisis @The Guardian
Don’t Be Fooled. Chief Justice John Roberts Is as Partisan as They Come. @New York Times
Five Radical Climate Policies That Most Americans Actually Like @The Atlantic
Visualizing responses from Data for Progress' Presidential Primary First Debate Survey @Glitch
Democrats Will Hope for a ‘Bump’ at Next Week’s Debate. What’s It Worth? @New York Times
Ohio Progressive Morgan Harper Raised $323,000 in First Quarter of House Race @The Intercept
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