From Hassan, Maggie <[email protected]>
Subject Did you see what Mike Pence said?
Date August 7, 2021 4:36 PM
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"We are on the verge of another great Republican comeback. It starts right here in New Hampshire … and we are going to [win back the Senate] in 2022."

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Hi there,

Mike Pence was in New Hampshire recently for a massive GOP fundraiser, and this quote has stayed with me. 

Republicans only need to flip ONE seat to take back the majority, and Pence made clear that New Hampshire is their top priority. My last race was the closest in the country so my team is laser-focused on keeping our fundraising numbers up. And right now, we’re falling $2,341 short of our daily MIDNIGHT fundraising deadline to stay on track for August.

Having Pence and the GOP fully invested in this race is really bad news. Will you please split $5 between my campaign and Gary Peters’ to help make up ground?

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Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence and Donald Trump have a plan to flip the Senate. And, after losing this seat to me by just 1,017 votes in 2016, they’re pulling out all of the stops this time around.

We don’t need mega-donors like Republicans to win, but we do need people like you to give $5 or what you can right now – before our deadline – to show our strength.

Your support is truly important to me, and I’m counting on your help. Will you please split $5 between Gary Peters and me right now to protect our fragile Democratic Senate majority? Please hurry because we cannot afford to fall behind this early in August.

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Thank you for helping.

With every good wish,

Maggie Hassan


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