
Radical Leftists in our state legislature abandoned their duties to hide in Washington D.C., some have even seen this as a perfect opportunity to leave the country and go on vacation!

I don’t think I need to tell you just how shameful the Democrats’ actions are. While they are avoiding their jobs, Texans are fighting to keep their businesses afloat, communities safe, and get schools reopened to have the critical in-person learning our children depend on!
Gov. Abbott has now called for another Special Session after the Dems shamefully shirked their duties and left their districts to fend for themselves. Even if they show back up, they’ve already wasted a month that was crucial to bringing help to millions of Texans. And while it’s obvious they aren’t fit to lead our state, one of them has announced she will be running against us to put the 24th District in Nancy Pelosi's hands! 

Unfortunately, this is what they do. They either have complete control to tell everyone how to live their lives or they shut down the work that is supposed to be done on behalf of the people. There is no unity, compromise, or interest in working for people - there is only control and wanting to force us to obey.
We need to show them that we are sick of their games, especially since they are challenging our seat in the House! I am fighting for Texas, our children, and our future! That is why I am counting on you to pitch in and send a message that we will not allow them to do the same damage in Congress that they are doing in Texas!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne