John, I need your voice to make sure we don’t miss this moment.
Earlier this summer, President Biden told a crowd in Oklahoma that he was going to “fight like heck” to ensure the For the People Act passes. He said that because he understands how high the stakes are -- as states like Texas and Georgia push harmful and discriminatory anti-voter bills.
But weeks later, Biden is still leaving multiple options on the table -- letting Mitch McConnell’s filibuster get in the way of this once-in-a-generation legislation to defend our rights.
It’s time for bold action. Will you join me in calling on President Biden to use the full power of his office -- including demanding an end to the filibuster -- to protect voters’ rights? We'll deliver your signature next week >>
This year, nearly 20 states have passed new laws that would make it harder for voters, especially Black and Brown voters, to cast their ballot. And if we don’t act soon, anti-democracy forces -- like Big Money special interests and gerrymandering politicians -- will have free reign to manipulate the 2022 elections to their advantage.
Our democracy can’t wait -- and we can’t risk our future in futile hopes that Mitch McConnell will come to the negotiating table. We urgently need President Biden to keep his promise by doing everything in his power to get the For the People Act over the finish line.
The For the People Act includes proven, comprehensive provisions that would protect the freedom to vote, end partisan gerrymandering, limit Big Money’s stranglehold on our democracy, hold elected officials to a higher ethical standard, and so much more.
Restoring our democracy is far too important a job to let McConnell veto it with a Senate minority. McConnell and Senate Republicans already filibustered beginning debate on the For the People Act -- and we can’t let them do it again.
If Biden doesn’t take bold action right now, he’ll be handing control of many of his top priorities and his legacy over to Mitch McConnell. Add your name to urge the president to do whatever it takes to pass the For the People Act -- and we'll deliver your signature >>
John, if we want to see this historic bill passed this summer, Biden needs to get bold -- and fast. He must publicly urge the Senate to abolish the filibuster, wield the power of the bully pulpit, and appeal directly to senators like Joe Manchin, who we’ll need to break McConnell’s stranglehold on the Senate.
I hope you'll speak out today.
Thanks for all you do,
Jack Mumby, Digital Director
and the team at Common Cause
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