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Mark Ruffalo -- actor, activist, Avenger, and long-time friend of the PCCC -- is throwing around some powerful praise for Congresswoman Cori Bush and her victory getting the eviction moratorium extended:

MARK RUFFALO: Cori Bush is an American superhero… and my personal hero.

Ours too! Cori Bush won, and won big. She kept millions of Americans from being turned out on the street.

Want this newest "Squad" member to stay in Congress? She wasn't making big-money phone calls while camping out at Congress this week -- donate $3 to her re-election here.

Cori Bush’s experience as an activist and organizer really shows. Very few first-term members of Congress can pull off something like this.


Cori Bush steers progressives to win on eviction crisis

A new member of the liberal "Squad" stepped to the forefront this week, leading a Capitol steps sit-in that forced the White House to act.


With Capitol Sit-In, Cori Bush Galvanized a Progressive Revolt Over Evictions

It was Ms. Bush, using the tactics of a street organizer -- alongside fellow progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley, who joined her encampment -- who thrust the issue into the national consciousness and refused to let it go.

Help keep this superhero in Congress by donating $3 or more to Cori Bush’s re-election campaign for 2022.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)


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