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CHBA BC has joined Instagram to boost the profile of local members across the province while reflecting all the work we do for you. Follow us to keep updated on advocacy issues, special events and news of all types @chba_bc
BC Chamber of Commerce
Welcome to BC's largest and most comprehensive business survey. Results will be shared with provincial and federal governments as they plan the 2020 Budget, and beyond.
This should take around 8 minutes — all respondents who complete the survey will be entered to win a $500 Air Canada gift certificate.
The link below is specific to CHBA BC members:
Another successful year for the Builders' Education Summit, you can view our video below to see all the benefits it offers!
Each federal party was asked two questions:
What will you and your party do to unlock the door to homeownership for Canadians?
What will you and your party do to fight climate change through energy efficiency in housing without increasing the cost of homeownership?
You can view their responses here:
Register for all courses at
Business Planning & Management in Kelowna - December 6th, 2019. Register by October 26th, 2019.
Financial Management in Abbotsford - December 6th, 2019. Register by October 26th, 2019.
BC Building Code Part 1 in Burnaby - December 13th, 2019. Register by November 4th, 2019. |

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8