Get 20% off all Tru47 Masks ordered at
A Voice for Choice Advocacy
using "AVFCA20Tru47" coupon code
before noon PST on Monday, August 9, 2021
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, advocates for making individual decisions through informed choice and does not agree with state and societal mask mandates. AVFCA asks you to do the research for yourself and wear a mask when you feel it has health benefits to you or when you are forced to do so in order to function in society. Even with COVID19 vaccines being distributed, health officials have stated that mask wearing will need to continue to some extent for the foreseeable future.
After mentioning Tru47 Silver Masks in my Q&A videos, I have had a lot of questions about them. My personal key concerns with masks are 1) being able to breath freely and 2) not rebreathing what has been exhaled. The Tru47 Silver MESH Masks allow for both of these. You can find more information on our website: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/product/tru47-silver-mesh-mask-cup-adult/. As with ALL masks currently on the market, these are not approved to protect against COVID-19.
Neither I nor AVFCA has any affiliation with Tru47. While we have merchandise on our site, we do not usually highlight one product over another. However, given the significant interest from our subscribers, we are making an exception today, as we are again able to extend a 20% discount just to you, if you order Tru47 masks through our site (https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/shop/) this weekend. In order to get the 20% discount, please enter "AVFCA20Tru47" into the coupon code upon checkout. This code is only valid until noon PST on Monday August 9, 2021.
Note: All purchases are final, so please make sure you choose the right style and size for you. Please direct any questions to AVFCA and NOT Tru47.
Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
