BIG NEWS: Moments ago, the White House announced they will extend the student loan moratorium to the end of January 2022 from this September.

In one week, progressives successfully helped millions of people stay in their homes and grapple with student debt. Even "moderates" are calling for trillions in government investment that will benefit everyday people.

Now, while student loan borrowers are breathing easier for now, we need to use this time well and push to get student debt eliminated once and for all. President Biden can use the same executive power he used today to eliminate student debt.

John, we're adjusting our campaign plans now to add months more work. Can you chip in $3 to extend our campaign to eliminate at least $50,000 of student debt per borrower?

Senator Elizabeth Warren recently described student loan burdens as "a sword hanging over our heads." As we've urged for months, the Biden Administration just gave millions of Americans a brief reprieve from this danger with the stroke of a pen.

This victory, though temporary, would not have happened without the tireless energy put into this fight by Senator Warren, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, our partners these last months at Color of Change and Debt Collective, and the tens of thousands of PCCC members and other progressives and organizations across the country who took action, made calls, and donated to build the pressure that prevailed.

If we want to build a country that makes higher education accessible to all -- and one that prioritizes and fights for racial and economic justice -- student debt must be addressed.

Please chip in $3 today so we can extend our campaign to eliminate student debt.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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