From 2022 Update (via Voto Latino) <[email protected]>
Subject "Democrats fear 'death by 1,000 cuts' in 2022 midterms" -- The Week
Date August 6, 2021 11:00 PM
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The 2022 elections could go one of two ways, John. Here's the first way:

Politico: "Dems fear turnout catastrophe from GOP voting laws"
The Week: "Democrats fear 'death by 1,000 cuts' in 2022 midterms"

That's what will happen if we can't overcome Republican voter suppression by expanding our registration and mobilization efforts in key states.

But there's a second option: You pitch in [[link removed]] and give us the resources we need to double down on our work to turn out Latinx voters, which was so effective in 2020. We bring hundreds of thousands of people out to the polls and elect Democrats to governor's offices, the Senate, and the House in states like Arizona and Georgia. We keep Congress blue, safeguard democracy, and pave the way for a progressive future.

We’ve been working in states like Arizona and Georgia for years -- but with Republicans working feverishly to regain lost ground, our work is more important than ever.

What you do right now will determine how it plays out, John. Will you chip in immediately to help us overcome the anti-democratic GOP and keep building progressive Latinx power?

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-- Voto Latino

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