
We've got big news over on Team Christy -- recently ten assemblywomen endorsed Christy! This proves what we already know -- Christy Smith is the best person to beat Mike Garcia next November.
Recently, ten assembly women endorsed Christy!

State leaders and organizations across California know Christy's dedication to CA-25 and the power of our movement. From steel and bricklayer workers to California Assemblywomen and county leaders, they have all seen up close how Christy will help empower this district.

John, as you can see our grassroots campaign is getting stronger with key political leaders endorsing Christy's campaign. But we have to keep up our momentum and need your continued support.

With your help, Christy can continue to mobilize leaders to endorse her campaign and support our grassroots movement. Please chip in $5 or whatever you can to help us flip this district and ensure our campaign doesn't lose momentum!

Thank you so much for being a part of our campaign!

-- Team Christy