From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Update
Date August 6, 2021 6:16 PM
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ADL and Hillel International Join Forces To Address Antisemitism on Campus Through Education and Engagement
Hillel International, the largest Jewish student organization in the world, and ADL are joining forces to work collaboratively on several initiatives starting in the new academic year to proactively address the disturbing rise in antisemitic activity on campus through innovative educational programs and assessments of the climate on campus for Jewish students.

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2021 Online Antisemitism Report Card
In recent years, American Jews have faced increased threats of violence and harassment both online and offline. According to ADL&rsquo;s annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents,
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2019 and
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2020 were, respectively, the highest and third-highest years on record for cases of harassment, vandalism and assault against Jews in the United States since tracking began in 1979. The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, after which there was an increase in antisemitic incidents reported domestically, added another layer to Jews&rsquo; concerns over surging antisemitism and safety &mdash;
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60 percent of Jewish Americans witnessed behavior or comments they deemed antisemitic following the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Against this alarming backdrop, are tech platforms doing enough to combat antisemitism? To help evaluate this, ADL analyzed how well nine platforms (Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Roblox, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter and YouTube) addressed submitted reports of antisemitic content.

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ADL Applauds Appointment of Deborah Lipstadt as U.S. Antisemitism Envoy
ADL applauded the announcement that Emory University professor and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt has been selected to serve as the next U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism. Lipstadt is one of the world&rsquo;s leading historians on antisemitism and is the author of the seminal book, Antisemitism: Here and Now. She has also served as a fellow at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and successfully faced down a lawsuit against notorious Holocaust denier David Irving.

Lipstadt will be a strong advocate and watchdog for the Jewish community.

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Photo credit: Walmart

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Two Years After Deadly El Paso Attack, Anti-Latino and Anti-Immigrant Hate and Extremism Persist
On August 3, 2019, white supremacist Patrick Crusius murdered 23 individuals and injured 23 more at a Walmart in
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El Paso, Texas , in the deadliest attack on Latinos in modern American history. Two years later, animosity towards Latino-Americans and immigrants remains at dangerous levels.

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2021 Far-Right Conferences: QAnon and Other Extremist Ideologies Dominate Events

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Since the chaos of the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, disparate groups of Trump supporters advocating the former president&rsquo;s false assertions of a stolen election,
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QAnon adherents,
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election fraud promoters and
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anti-vaccine activists have organized events around the country to promote their causes. This phenomenon underscores the extent to which the line separating the mainstream from the extreme has blurred, and how mainstream efforts to undermine democratic institutions are bolstered by extremist and conspiratorial narratives and their supporters.

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Hate Beyond Borders: The Internationalization of White Supremacy
The internationalization of white supremacy is strengthening a hateful and dangerous ideology.

White supremacists around the world are meeting online and in person at conferences, capitalizing on the digitalization of information, which has in turn accelerated the international exchange of ideas. These virtual and actual gatherings provide key opportunities for white supremacists to share ideas and tactics and recruit new followers.

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ADL Washington, D.C. Twitter Spotlight ADL Washington, D.C. offers timely information, statements and resources in response to regional and national trending topics via Twitter. Check out the links below to see what we are Tweeting about:
- U.S. Department of State:
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ADL Supports Secretary Blinken&rsquo;s Swift Condemnation of a Swastika Etched into an Elevator
- PayPal:
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PayPal Partners with ADL to Fight Extremism and Hate
- &ldquo;Great Replacement&rdquo;:
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This Conspiracy Theory is Profoundly Misogynistic
- Extremism:
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Our Belfer Fellow is Researching How White Supremacists Communicate Online
- SCOTUS Review:
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&ldquo;From the Frontlines&rdquo; Podcast on Our 22nd-Annual SCOTUS Review
- Refugee Rights:
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ADL Calls on Biden to Reaffirm Commitment to Protecting Refugee Rights

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Education Resources
Our collection of K-12 education resources promotes critical thinking and learning around historical and current events topics through the lens of diversity, bias and social justice. This week, we are featuring resources that discuss why the soul cap was rejected for Olympic use, school and workplace accommodations for the Jewish High Holidays and the history of the disability rights movement. Check out the links below for more information:

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What is the Soul Cap and Why Was it Rejected for Olympic Use?
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School & Workplace Accommodations for the Jewish High Holidays
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A Brief History of the Disability Rights Movement
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Upcoming ADL Events

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ADL's Walk Against Hate: October 10, 2021
Join individuals, corporations, non-profits, students, educators and more from across the country to speak out against bias and bigotry of all kinds. No matter how you participate, join ADL and show how you fight hate for good.

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Never is Now: November 7-9, 2021
Join thousands of experts, members of the community, business leaders and students for Never Is Now, the world's largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate. Never Is Now is the best way to learn about and discuss contemporary drivers of antisemitism and hate and find out how you can take action in combating bias of all kinds. The Summit will be virtual for the second time, enabling communities from around the world to come together.

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ADL In Concert Against Hate: December 7, 2021
Join us live at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and celebrate with ADL supporters from across the country and around the world who will join us by livestream as we share a night of music and inspiration honoring real life heroes in the fight against injustice, extremism and hate of all kinds.

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ISSA vs. Board of Education: Refugees and the Fight for Education Equality
Refugees come to the U.S. seeking freedom, safety and protection from persecution. Instead of welcoming them, the School District of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, refused to admit high school-aged, non-English speaking refugees entirely or sent them to a high-discipline alternative school instead of the regular public high school. In the summer of 2016, the ACLU and Education Law Center filed suit against the school district on behalf of six refugee students aged 17-21 in Issa v. School District of Lancaster.

Hear about this important lawsuit directly from one of the plaintiffs, an attorney on the case and a journalist who covered it in depth.

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ADL and the Big Ten present: Hate in Higher Education
Hate on college and university campuses across the country reached alarming levels last year. We must speak up, share facts and show strength.

On August 23, at 4:30 PM ET, join Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren and our all-star panel for an exploration of the current "state of hate." You'll get an insider's view of how the Big Ten's Equality Coalition is making a difference through sports nationwide and learn strategies for combating hate in our communities.

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In Case You Missed It:
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You Are Not Alone: Navigating Antisemitism on Social Media

Learn from ADL experts and gain the tools to help navigate the most recent spike in online antisemitism and hate:

Understand historic antisemitism and its modern day manifestations
Examine how digital platforms accelerate the spread of false information
Acquire the skills to respond to hate online effectively
Learn how ideas spread online can incite violence offline
Take action through advocacy and ADL initiatives like Backspace Hate and Stop Hate for Profit

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Is Your Synagogue Part of ADL&rsquo;s Signature Synagogue Program?

ADL Washington, D.C.'s Regional Signature Synagogue Program is an important way to engage our community and ignite a congregation-wide commitment to raising awareness of and speaking out against antisemitism and hate. This program creates a unifying initiative for community education and engagement. Participants in the Signature Synagogue Program will have special direct access to ADL's programs, resources and learning opportunities. This is an ongoing year-long program where each synagogue will receive recognition of participation and granted a certificate of completion.

For more information,
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contact ADL Washington, D.C.

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