
While the Socialists in the House work to gut our Constitution, raise spending and taxes, and promote policies found in Socialist nations like Venezuela and Cuba - I am working every day to fight these disastrous policies and empower our families with opportunities, job security, and hope! 

Card-carrying Socialists like AOC, Cori Bush, and Ilhan Omar have been pushing to: spend trillions on wasteful, social-engineering schemes; defund and demonize our police; take away rights and freedoms we have guaranteed by the Constitution!  
We all know the policies of the Radical Socialists in the House would tear America apart. If they had it their way, America would be saddled with trillions in debt, widespread chaos and anarchy, and the outlaw of basic concepts like private property and individual freedom!

It’s no secret that the Socialists need to go, and with the House elections coming up next year, now is the time we get started taking our country back. America cannot stand having these radicals in power any longer. That's why I need you to help me kick the Socialists OUT of Congress!

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne