Let's Celebrate Transit Month!

We're gearing up for a big month of celebrating public transit in San Francisco and around the bay.

Let's welcome folks back to public transit! Let's celebrate how transit has kept our city and region moving through the most difficult times and in the good times to come! Let's thank the riders on board and the drivers that get us safely where we're going.

Transit has been held to the highest standards of cleaning, air filtration, and masking since the beginning of the pandemic. And globally, transit has not been shown to pose a particular risk of COVID transmission. As schools re-open and people head back to work, if even a small fraction of former transit riders opt to take cars, our streets will be gridlocked. 

Join us as we encourage people to ride again and talk about how to rebuild Muni - our vision to improve transit in the coming years!


Ride Transit, Win Prizes!

We're welcoming people back on transit with some great gifts - including pre-loaded Clipper Cards courtesy of Spare the Air ($25, $50, and even $100 amounts!), autographed Warriors gear, solar chargers from Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and transit art.

Sign up today for our Ride Contest and be entered into our riders' raffle. Log and share your rides on transit during the month of September and  and win prizes for taking the most trips, for great transit pictures, and great transit stories.


September 1: Help us Kick Off Transit Month with free swag for riders!

We'll be hosting Transit Hubs across the city - stop by and get your Transit Month gifts. We also want to see who's riding - post pictures on social media, tag us, and tell us why you're celebrating #TransitMonth!


September 8: Ride-Along & Rally!

Ride into City Hall for our Transit Month Rally on morning of Wednesday, September 8. Riders will meet up with District Supervisors and other city leaders at locations around the city to ride together to our Transit Month Rally.

Talk to your Supervisor about how important transit is to you, and let's bring the city together for an awesome transit future!


Nominate a Transit Hero

On October 1, we'll hold our 4th annual Rider First Awards party (outdoors), along with East Bay Transit Riders Union, Seamless Bay Area, and Friends of Caltrain.

We need YOUR nominations for people who have made life better for transit riders in the past year - a special bus driver, an effective advocate, whoever is responsible for the transit lanes or boarding island that makes your ride better and smoother (we'll track down the people if you tell us what they did!). Who is the hero you've seen, who cares about public transit and cares about the riders, and has taken action to improve our ride? Let us know!


This September - Show Up For Transit

The future may be uncertain, and not everyone will be ready to come out in person, ride transit, and celebrate. So we will also be holding some great panel discussions online, to help us sort through how we get to the transit system we need. You can participate in the Ride Transit Contest with pictures and stories. 

But we hope you can show up in whatever way you're able, to let San Francisco know that there are a lot of us who care about transit and want it to succeed and grow. See you - online or in person - in September!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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