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In addition to this week's podcast, we share with you, reprinted from Three Things Last Week That Showed the January 6 Attack Was an Attempted Fascist Coup
Sunday August 1 2021: Sam Goldman talks with Tim Wise, anti-racism educator and author of Dispatches from the Race War.

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Tim Wise: We know in 20 years whites are going to be less than an absolute
majority of the population, only a plurality. And for people who have
had hegemony, 100%, or 90% of the good stuff, to say, you’re only going
to get, you know, 65%, your share, or even 70, or 75% is like the end of
the world. And so I think that change, the cultural shift, we are
increasingly a multicultural society in every way, shape, and form to
the point where you really can’t look at popular culture, entertainment,
cuisine, fashion, anything else and really tease out any one particular
cultural thread. That may be for some of us fantastic, but for those
who have gotten high on and addicted to the ability to define the
country as theirs and to see themselves as the floor model of what an
American is, that’s like the end of the world...
The voter suppression initiatives, the anti anti-racist education, or
just anti-truth initiatives are all part of this
last gasp effort to rig the game and to hold on very much like white
South Africans did for a long time, before the fall of apartheid. It’s
an attempt to police the borders, both literally with anti-immigrant
rhetoric, for instance, but also the metaphorical borders of the nation,
which are drawn in the classroom, right? Who are we, as a country,
these folks are trying to police those borders and say “on the one hand,
we’re going to try to keep certain people out of here, but if we can’t,
by God, we’re going to tell you the story of the country, and we’re
going to define what we are, we’re not going to let you do that.” That’s
what they’re saying. And so it all is part of that, I think going back
hundreds of years, but really reaching this apex right now.
Sam Goldman: It's summer 2021. School board meetings are wrapped with white parents decrying Black Lives Matter boogeymen and theories they don't even pretend to understand; the specter of "Marxist indoctrination." Fascist governors ban mask mandates at these very schools, exalting the right to kill millions across the country, while fascist Congress people defy the mask mandate in the same building their hordes invaded on January 6. And their movement of millions replicates this across the country. Right along with deadly COVID cases, these fascists continue to brazenly spread Trump's toxic lie of a stolen election. Where's the common thread here? And what does it have to do with fascism? Fascists, in order to succeed, must bludgeon the truth. They unleash their mobs and threaten violence as part of building their movement in an effort to consolidate the power they do have at any given moment. Remember, the rule of law depends on truth and evidence. For fascism to seize power, both must be obliterated.

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