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Dear John

Book today and join us for a fun and creative evening full of hope for the countryside in the face of the climate crisis.

Attend in person at the prestigious Glaziers Hall next to Southwark Cathedral on London’s South Bank, or take part from the comfort of your own home through a live-stream.

CPRE Hope for the Countryside hybrid event 
Tuesday 14 September 2021 from 6.30pm
Glaziers Hall, London Bridge SE1 9DD or via live-stream.

Book today

During the evening we will discuss the promising nature-based climate solutions that the countryside offers, hear about how to build relationships to create change and invite you to join in with our hedgerow campaign through a gentle form of activism.

The line-up:

  • Emma Bridgewater CBE, pottery designer and president of CPRE will open proceedings explaining why we should have hope for our beautiful countryside.

  • A craftivism (activism + craft) workshop run by Sarah Corbett, founder of the Craftivist Collective. You will create a craft to help CPRE's campaign to persuade the government to commit to extending our country's hedgerow network by 40% by 2050.

  • Emma Marrington, who leads CPRE’s work on landscape enhancement, will explain why the humble hedgerow is an important part of the solution to combat the climate emergency and nature's decline.

  • Crispin Truman OBE, CPRE's chief executive, will explore other ways the countryside can tackle the climate emergency, providing many of the solutions to addressing climate breakdown.

  • Safia Minney, social entrepreneur and founder of People Tree will draw on her extensive experience to talk about how to build strong relationships to make change happen.

Advance tickets are £20 (£15 per CPRE member) for the in-person event, or £15 (£10 per CPRE member) to live-stream.

Hurry, as places are limited and are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Book your tickets today.

Best wishes,

Shelagh Séjourné
Head of High Value Relationships

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