August 6, 2021
To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District,
I hope this edition of the Yvette Gazette finds you well. Always remember, I cannot do it alone. Through the support of passionate individuals such as yourself, we bring tangible, meaningful change to our district.
To reach out to my office, send us an email at If you’d like to call, you can reach my D.C. office at 202-225-6231 or my Brooklyn office at 718-287-1142. Remember to encourage your neighbors to sign up for this newsletter at
If you’d like daily updates on my work in Congress, visit my website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I wish you well, and I look forward to my next opportunity to get in touch with you.
Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress

CUNY Comeback Program
If you are a student within City University Systems who faced hardships from the COVID-19 pandemic, the recently announced CUNY Comeback Program will aim to alleviate some of your financial burdens through unused COVID funds. These funds will be used to wipe $125 million in student debt for 50,000 students, as well as provide emergency grants to students in need. To learn more about this transformative program, click here.
Urgent Passport Struggles
In recent weeks, I have heard ever-increasing pleas from my constituents on their inability to renew or receive their passports. For countless Americans, a passport is more than a means for traveling; it is an essential possession necessary for their lives. The State Department has noted routine services can take up to 18 weeks from the day you submit your application to when you receive your passport and offers expedited services for a fee. Fortunately, my office has been able to assist several of our constituents who have come forward with their own passport related issues. If you are struggling with issues or concerns related to your passport, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.
New York's Emergency Rental Assistance Program
New York State's Emergency Rental Assistance Program is now open to applicants. For low and moderate-income households facing instability with their housing, this program will provide invaluable aid in the form of rental arrears, temporary rental assistance and utility arrears assistance. For more information, and to apply, click here.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Issues
It has come to my attention that many of you are having difficulty applying the EBB credit to your current plans. While I am working to address it, I want you to be informed that as of right now this credit is temporary and will be utilized for as long as there remains funding. It is important that you understand that by changing your plan for the purposes of receiving this credit, you are at risk of being stuck with the new plan and you may not be able to receive the older plan you were on previously. It is important that you fully discuss your options with your Internet service provider before you make any changes. Additionally, as it currently stands, the legislation allows providers to apply the credit to any plan they had at the time of its passage. It is important to me that you know I am working diligently with my colleagues in congress to make this credit permanent and applicable to all plans going forward. My office is currently exploring all options to make this credit more inclusive and applicable to all plans. Please make sure to follow the newest editions of my newsletter and my social media pages for the latest on this issue.
Getting Vaccinated
To overcome the COVID-19 virus once and for all, it will take as many of us as possible to do our part and get vaccinated. If you haven’t received your COVID-19 vaccine but are interested in doing so, and New Yorkers ages 12 years and older can receive their vaccine at select sites across our city found here. If you’d like to make an appointment to get vaccinated, please click here to find a location that best suits you. For New Yorkers who are ages 75 and older, an in-home vaccination appointment can be made here, or by calling 1-877-VAX-4-NYC. We are so close to the finish line; let’s cross it together!

Sponsored Legislation: This week, I introduced the following bill to the House of Representatives:
- H.R. 4805
My bill, the Safe School Drinking Water Act, would protect our children from the harmful impacts of lead contamination in drinking water at schools and childcare programs by providing much-needed federal grants for the installation and maintenance of filtered drinking water stations. Let me be very clear, there is no safe level of lead when it comes to the health and wellbeing of our children. My legislation will ensure that our children’s drinking water is healthy and safe while simultaneously working to address the critical infrastructure challenges that contribute to these dangerous levels of contamination.
- H.R. 4875
Access to high-quality and affordable internet should be a basic right guaranteed to everyone, regardless of their income or the color of their skin. Unfortunately, the same communities that were once redlined by banks and home insurance companies are now being discriminated against by internet service providers. My bill, the Anti-Digital Redlining Act of 2021, would require the Federal Communications Commission to establish rules to prohibit digital redlining by making it illegal for broadband providers and landlords to enter into exclusive licensing agreements. These anti-competitive practices result in slow, or no broadband at all for low-income consumers and communities of color. As our online economy advances and becomes increasingly remote, we must ensure that everyone can connect to quality broadband to access the tools and resources they need to actively engage with the internet.
Co-Sponsored Legislation: This week, I lent my support to the following bills:
- H.R. 4791
Housing is a human right, and for the estimated 6.5 million Americans facing eviction nationwide, the patchwork safety net of state laws and emergency executive orders is not enough to stave off the current housing crisis. We must extend the national eviction moratorium until at least December 31, 2021. That is why I am proud to co-lead H.R. 4791, The Protecting Renters From Evictions Act of 2021. The federal eviction moratorium assists our most vulnerable communities and provides housing security during this devastating pandemic. But, let me be very clear, this pandemic is not over. I am proud to support this legislation and urge my colleagues in the Senate to take swift action so President Biden can sign this extension into law.
- H.R. 4826
The National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that will extend common workplace rights and protections to the 2.2 million domestic workers in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the precarious nature of domestic work and left many workers financially insecure and exposed to exploitive practices. I am proud to support this legislation that ensures that domestic workers are treated with the respect, dignity, and recognition that they deserved.
Clarke And Other Members Of New York Congressional Delegation Renew Call For Governor Cuomo's Resignation Following Report From AG Tish James
Sexual harassment is an extremely serious transgression, and we stand with the brave women who have come forward to share their experiences working for and around Governor Andrew Cuomo. It is clear that he engaged in inappropriate, unlawful and abusive behavior. The Attorney General's report is deeply disturbing, clear and thorough. For the good of New York State, Andrew Cuomo must resign. If he does not, the New York State Assembly must begin impeachment proceedings. We note with interest Governor Cuomo's own May 17, 2013 statement calling on Assembly Member Vito Lopez to 'resign, effective immediately' when the Assembly investigation announced its findings: ‘there should be a zero tolerance policy when it comes to sexual harassment and we must now send a clear message that this behavior is not tolerated.’ We agree.
Congressional Caucus On Black Women And Girls Co-chairs Issue Statement On Black Women’s Equal Pay Day
Every year, we recognize Black Women’s Equal Pay Day to magnify the pay gap experienced by Black women compared with their white male counterparts in the workforce. At 63 cents on the dollar, it is America’s widest, most pernicious pay gap. This figure is not incidental; it is symptomatic of centuries of economic abuse and exploitation designed to relegate a population to the margins of the world’s most lucrative economy. While today serves to remind many of the consequences of a system intended to impede the progression of Black women, we must recognize and acknowledge the work that must be done to one day overcome the wage gap between Black women and white men. We must assume a comprehensive approach towards addressing the root causes of this disparity. In the 117th Congress, we have closely examined several legislative measures we believe will narrow this pay gap. Additionally, we proudly co-sponsored the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act because it is time this country takes this issue seriously and acknowledges 63 cents on the dollar is not just a statistic; it is lives. It is the health and happiness of families and neighbors. It is our future. We also support the Black Women’s Equal Pay Day Resolution, which would federally recognize today and its intention. Though today’s purpose is to emphasize the systemic economic oppression Black women and their families endure daily, it is also a moment to celebrate all Black women have achieved against overwhelming odds and relentless adversity. Despite a system working to keep us down, Black women refuse to relent. Our indefatigable fortitude resonates in our communities and in our consistent leadership roles in shaping the future of our nation. We look forward to a time where we will see equity on all fronts for Black women, because when equity is the focus, everyone benefits.
Clarke Co-leads H.R. 4791, The Protecting Renters From Evictions Act Of 2021, And Supports Reconvening To Vote On Extending The National Eviction Moratorium
Housing is a human right, and for the estimated 6.5 million Americans facing eviction nationwide, the patchwork safety net of state laws and emergency executive orders is not enough to stave off this crisis. We must extend the national eviction moratorium until at least December 31, 2021. That is why I am proud to co-lead H.R. 4791, The Protecting Renters From Evictions Act of 2021. The federal eviction moratorium assists our most vulnerable and provides housing security during this devastating pandemic. But, let me be very clear, this pandemic is not over. As cases of the Delta variant continue to rise, I cannot forget since the start of the pandemic, more than 62,000 eviction cases have been filed in New York City Housing Court, despite a statewide eviction moratorium. And while New York State’s eviction moratorium is not set to expire until the end of August, that is not enough. I am calling for the House of Representatives to reconvene and vote to pass H.R. 4791 immediately. Additionally, I am asking my colleagues in the Senate to take swift and immediate action and pass the senate companion bill, so that President Biden can sign this extension into law. This cannot wait, and we cannot yield. It is time for action.
Earlier this week, I joined the 66th, 71st, 72nd, and 77th precincts for National Night Out 2021, which endures as an invaluable opportunity for the relationship between communities and their precincts to further flourish. Building trust between the people and the police will forever remain the key to safer, healthier neighborhoods! As such, it is imperative events such as National Night Out exist in order to strengthen the necessary relationship between our precincts and our communities.
As the daughter of Jamaican immigrants, "Emancipendence" week will forever hold a special, cherished place in my heart. It is a time to reflect upon not only heritage, but pride and love in the country which has given us all so much. To every Jamaican and Jamaican-descended individual, I hope your Emancipation Day and Independence Day celebrations were filled with love and joy.
