
Big news! A new poll released earlier this week shows that Betsy Price's liberal record won't hold up to the scrutiny of Tarrant County Republican voters. 

While her name ID carries weight, the late-July survey reveals that it crumbles under the weight of Price’s support of BLM protests, her efforts lobbying Congress for unconstitutional gun control measures, and her open support of Joe Biden’s pork-filled, Multi-TRILLION Dollar infrastructure spending plan.

When voters know the truth about her less-than-conservative record, Betsy Price loses to Our Campaign 51% to 26%.

I appreciate Ms. Price’s public service, but I do not appreciate having to now correct the detrimental policies she enacted or failed to lead on that have pushed Tarrant County away from our history of conservative family values and further toward a radical-leftist agenda that perpetuates big government. 

I don’t just claim to be a conservative – I have a record to back it up, and as a duty to the people of Tarrant County, I have to shine a light on the myth of conservativism that Mayor Price has been selling.

500 likely 2022 Republican Primary Election voters participated in the survey conducted by Remington Research Group from July 14 - July 15, 2021. A detailed poll memo is linked here.
I am running for a bright, conservative Tarrant County future. Will you join me?
Tim O'Hare
Republican Candidate for Tarrant County Judge
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Pol. Adv. Paid for by Tim O'Hare for Tarrant County Judge Campaign. Vince Puente, Treasurer. P.O. Box 92215, Southlake, TX 76092