Friend —

I am going to be honest with you. When we decided to run Brian Stawowy and Nada Daher for Mayor and City Council of Ferndale, we had no idea what we were doing. 

What we knew was that Ferndale, a city many of our members call home, was experiencing out-of-control real estate speculation, spiraling home costs, and soul-crushing gentrification. We also knew that Ferndale’s residents deserve local leaders who will fight for them—not the luxury developers—and that Nada and Brian were up for the task.  

What began with a few people on a text chain has grown into a full-blown movement for change in Ferndale. We’ve knocked on thousands of doors to talk to folks about affordable housing, local climate policy, and really, what we owe each other as a society

And the hard work has paid off. Our Ferndale for All campaign has now been endorsed by a growing list of organizations, including DSA National, Our Revolution Michigan, Sunrise Oakland County, and Planned Parenthood Michigan

We love the support from our friends and allies, but here’s the reality: Brian and Nada can only win if we—the members of our mighty, mighty Detroit DSA Chapter—donate our time and resources to get them across the finish line. 

So, in honor of Bernie Sanders’ soon-to-be-victorious 2020 run for the White House, we have a big ask:

Can you donate $20 to Brian and Nada today to help them reach their fundraising goal of $1,000? 

With $1,000 in the bank, Brian and Nada will be able to reach 5,000 more homes with big, red, socialist mailers—and massively turn out the vote for the election on November 5. 

I’m all in for this campaign. Are you? 

See you at the victory party!





Metro Detroit Democratic Socialists of America · United States
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