image description: text that reads "More affordable Public Transit"

Port Authority's NEXTransit Fare Policy Recommendations are grossly inadequate, and we need to speak up

NEXTransit is Port Authority's 25-year long-range planning process. It's hugely important because the plan will set the agency's priorities for the foreseeable future - and riders have a lot we want to see done!

While it is great news (and because of rider advocacy) that the Port Authority has identified fare affordability as a top priority, it is deeply concerning that the Port Authority doesn’t actually propose any solutions, nor any investment to evaluate or plan to make fares more affordable.

You can help advocate for true fare affordability by reading this blog and joining the final NEXTransit public meeting on August 10th.
image description: red Port Authority bus driving under a bridge in the rain

NEW REPORT: Congressional Action on Transit Funding Could Transform Economic Opportunity in Pittsburgh & Pennsylvania

As congress negotiates an infrastructure bill and navigates the budget reconciliation process, PPT released a new report to show what federal funding for transit service could do for 9 municipalities in Pennsylvania. Bottom line? Federal support for service operations could do amazing things for our state's economy, climate, and equity.

The report takes an in-depth look at how this federal support could expand job access for the Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Northview Heights and Braddock. It also looks at what Port Authority's frequent service area would look like with federal support for service provision:
Image description: image is a .gif that rotates between two maps. The first map shows Port Authority’s current frequent service lines where transit comes every 15 minutes. The second map shows the potential frequent service lines with the availability of federal operating money and has many more lines that connect the entire county.

Read the new report today, and call your US senators and representatives and ask them to support the "transit justice amendments" to the current bipartisan infrastructure bill.
Image description: collage of photos of the newly elected members of PPT's Coordinating Committee

Welcome to the Newly Elected PPT Coordinating Committee Members, 2021-2023!

Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a democratic, grassroots, member-led organization and we practice what we preach. Each year we run an election cycle to choose a new round of leaders to step into our organization's core team of organizers. This participatory process keeps us accountable to our members and focused on campaigns to improve the lives of local transit riders.

The results of our 2021 elections were recently announced. Congrats to Paul O'Hanlon, Barb Warwick, Mayor Nickole Nesby, Kevin Joa, Swetha Jasti, and Dean Mougianis on your election to this core team!
Image description: two riders get off a blue Port Authority bus. One is using a wheelchair, the other is carrying a green backpack.

Port Authority's June quarterly adjustments bring an ever-so-slight increase in service levels. Overall Service remains below pre-pandemic levels.

Four times every year, the Port Authority adjusts its transit schedules and routes to account for construction detours, rider’s requests, ridership shifts, and/or all of the other unexpected changes that might affect Pittsburgh roads. 

PPT's blog series with the @PGH_BUS_INFO hotline works to educate riders on these changes and what they mean.
Image description: a photo from inside of one of Port Authority's new buses with the blue interior lights that shine at night

PPT August Monthly Meeting to be held on August 11th - RSVP today!

And going away part for PPT's Community Organizer, Josh Malloy!

All are welcome to join PPT at our Monthly Meeting to help push our campaigns forward. On the agenda for this month:

  • New PPT Coordinating Committee Members & New Community Organizer
  • NEXTransit Updates
  • Transit for All PA! video + update + next steps
  • Federal Infrastructure Bill + transit rider union action Update
  • Going away party for PPT Organizer, Josh Malloy, 8:30pm at Brewdog in East Liberty
image description: photo from the Transit for All PA! rally in June. 100 transit riders stand on the steps of the PA State Capital Building in Harrisburg

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'cus the system ain't gunna change itself. Before you move on, take 2 minutes to advocate for transit & housing justice in these surveys:
Image description: transit riders and workers holding signs at Transit for All PA! rally in Harrisburg.
Image description: section of a map from NEXTransit long-range plan with lines showing the plan's priority corridors
Image description: profile shot of red articulated Port Authority bus traveling down a busway. Text above reads "Events"

  • PPT Monthly Meeting (online) // Wednesday, 8/11 // 6:30pm Social Hour, 7-8:30pm Meeting // RSVP here

  • Farewell send-off for PPT Community Organizer, Josh Malloy, as he leaves his position (in-person, for now) // Wednesday, 8/22, 8:30pm at BrewDog in East Liberty

  • Community Organizer Training hosted by Take Action Mon Valley (online) // Saturday, 8/21 1-3pm // RSVP + info here

  • TRUST (Transit Riders of the US Together) Meeting w organizers from ACT-LA on their successful free fare campaign (online) // Friday, 8/27, 3-4pm // RSVP here

  • 7th Annual Human Rights Cookout & Potluck hosted by the PGH Human Rights City Alliance (in-person, for now) // Sunday, 8/29, 1-4pm // RSVP+Info here

  • PPT Monthly Meeting (online, for now) // Wednesday, 9/8 // 6:30pm Social Hour, 7-8:30pm Meeting // RSVP here

  • PPT Communications Committee Meeting (online) // Tuesday, 9/14 // 7-8pm // Zoom Link