Dear friend, 
Although I am exceptionally grateful that President Biden answered the call to extend the federal eviction moratorium -- and for all the grassroots organizing that made this victory possible -- it is a temporary fix. We must continue to work towards a permanent solution to the housing crisis.  
Congress recognized the danger of leaving millions of people unhoused, which is why we passed more than $21 billion in rental assistance under the American Rescue Plan -- but only a fraction of that relief has been disbursed. It is unacceptable that we punish tenants and small landlords for a crisis that they did not cause. Every single dollar of the available funding needs to be distributed to working families. 
We must also invest in public housing, reestablish affordable housing programs, and fight discriminatory housing lending practices. 
This summer, I’ve led the fight to fully fund NYCHA and public housing authorities across the country to ensure they have adequate funding to address the unlivable conditions of their units and to advocate for the needs of their tenants.  
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and I -- with the support of over 25 of our colleagues --  also called for the re-establishment of the Obama-era Federal Financing Bank funding for Housing and Urban Development insured properties. This program created record levels of affordable housing in New York and throughout the country. 
These measures -- along with the rental assistance we already passed -- will help ensure stable housing for working families through the rest of the pandemic and beyond. The extended moratorium gives us time to create long-term, sustainable solutions. But we can’t do it without you. 
There is still work to be done. Let’s get to it. 

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress

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Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress
315 Inspiration Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
United States