MAJOR NEWS: The New York Times reports that our friends at End Citizens United just became the first to release an ad publicly calling on President Biden to take a stand on ending the filibuster to protect our right to vote.

Their ad is extra powerful because it connects today’s attacks on voting rights to the civil rights movement, quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from 1963: "Senators who will use the filibuster...know they do not represent the majority of the American people."

Watch the 30-second ad here. Then, chip in $3 or more to our friends at End Citizens United / Let America Vote to get this ad on the air and to our work with them lobbying Congress to pass a democracy protection bill NOW!

President Biden has called on Congress to pass voting rights legislation, but he has not yet addressed the elephant in the room -- that the only way to pass voting rights legislation is to reform or eliminate the filibuster.

John, we are running out of time. As the ad reminds us, "Everything is at stake."

Please chip in to help End Citizens United get this on the air immediately -- and to our work with them lobbying Congress to pass a democracy protection bill NOW.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)


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