A range of health reform strategies could achieve the goal of universal health insurance coverage. What are the trade-offs for affordability, health care costs, and federal spending?
Read the report and listen to the first installment in a new podcast
series related to the research.
Last week, Vice
published a story about an Ohio resident who is facing jail time because of housing code violations. What are housing codes meant to promote—the health of occupants and the public or community aesthetics?
The United States is home to over 50 million people of Hispanic and Latinx origin. Take a demographic deep dive into Latinx identity and how to accurately collect data to reflect their presence.
Targeted federal investments can help tackle inequality. Urban Institute nonresident fellow Nancy Andrews discusses the need for a renewed focus on equity and social justice in community development.
Tune in live for the Urban Institute’s sixth annual housing finance symposium on October 23. The day-long conference will explore a variety of housing policy topics, including rethinking the city, new building technologies and innovations, and how fintech can change the credit and tenure choice landscape.
Getting trapped in a cycle of victimization—or polyvictimization—can lead to damaging outcomes, like trauma symptoms, behavioral changes, or physical health problems. What strategies can service providers use to address these consequences and help their clients heal?