Are Any Democrats Standing by Their Governor? With Cuomo unlikely to leave voluntarily—at least if his defiant response to James’ report is any indication—it will be up to state lawmakers to serve as the ultimate arbiters of his fate.
De Blasio Agrees to Fast-Track Rental Voucher Increase for Homeless New Yorkers The City Council passed legislation in May to raise the CityFHEPS rate to Section 8 levels, but the measure would not take effect for at least six months unless de Blasio and the Department of Social Services (DSS) agreed to take action sooner.
New York City Expands Protections For Workers With Criminal Histories The changes are the latest in the city’s expansion of “Fair Chance Act” protections, which were designed to maximize job opportunities for qualified workers with criminal histories unrelated to their work. Before Thursday, only job applicants were covered by the law; it now applies to existing employees, too.
In a time of health emergency, fiscal crisis and political tension, City Limits' in-depth, policy-focused reporting isn't just worth reading. It's worth supporting so others can read it, too.
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Opinion: To Improve Public Safety in NYC, Send Fewer People to Jail ‘Jail separates people from work and family, jeopardizes stable housing, and subjects them to violence, especially in inhumane environments like Rikers. Incarceration must be the option of last resort, used only when it is essential for public safety.'
Come Join NYC Parks and help make NYC the safest greenest city. Ensure the safety and enjoyment of park users and the protection and stewardship of parks property. Perform patrols of park facilities. Issue summonses for the violation of park rules and regulations. Provide first aid and emergency response to park patrons and provide security at special events. Disseminate information to the public regarding rules and regulations, health and safety hazards and park events. $24.25/hr + overtime. To apply and for the full description & requirements: Job ID# 468629.
Come Join NYC Parks and help make NYC the greenest city. Assist in the planting and cultivating of trees, flowers and shrubs. Assist in the maintenance and operations of greenhouses and nurseries. Prepare soil and seed beds. Grade, sod, weed, mulch and mow lawns. Repair damaged planted areas, fertilizing and watering soil. Drive vehicles and operate other motorized equipment incidental to the performance of duties. $20.79/hr + overtime. To apply and for the full description & requirements: Job ID# 468657.
Join NYC Parks and lead environmental education, interpretation and recreation-based programs for school children, summer camps and adults in natural areas throughout the city. Lead projects that support wildlife, preserve the urban natural world and promote stewardship of parks and natural resources. Patrol parks and natural areas and issue summonses for the violation of Parks Rules & Regulations. $24.25/hr + overtime. To apply and for the full description & requirements: Job ID# 468648.
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