
On the farm, I see the effects of climate change every day. This just isn’t some theoretical threat we see in data or scientific projections — we’re seeing it right here on the ground. We’re seeing extreme drought devastating our crops. We saw our fire season start even earlier than usual, blanketing large parts of the country in smoke. This is real and it is hurting public health and costing us jobs.

And while the wildfires started early in Montana, we’re not alone. Whether you live in rural America or in one of our cities, you are feeling the negative impacts of climate change.

There’s no time for typical Washington games or feet-dragging. This is an urgent crisis and we need to take action. That’s why I’m asking you to sign my petition calling on my colleagues to make an honest effort to pass climate legislation now.

Please join me in standing up for clean air and water by adding your name to my petition here:


Thank you for making your voice heard on this important issue.

— Jon