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Environmental Investigation Agency

Why the delay in implementing UK Ivory Act?

It’s been a year since a legal challenge to the UK Ivory Act was rejected in the courts and we’re still waiting for the ban to be implemented. In that time, some 8,750kg of ivory – representing at least 875 to 1,325 individual elephants – has been seized worldwide, indicating that poaching and trafficking remains a real threat to elephant populations. EIA led a coalition of environmental groups to secure the Act and we’ve now called on the UK Government to implement the ban as a matter of urgency.

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Tigers need more than pledges to save them

As Global Tiger Day saw the internet awash with messages and images celebrating tigers and lamenting the threats they face, we warned it would take more to save them than top-level pledges from governments which continue to allow their exploitation.

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A most chilling podcast

Our latest podcast takes a deep dive into EIA’s new report Europe’s Most Chilling Crime, which found the potential climate impact of illegal HFC refrigerant trade into Europe could amount to the emissions of more than 6.5 million cars driven for a year. 

Listen to the Podcast

Hold a mini Olympics!

Get the kids moving this Summer with a set of mini challenges, from skipping to the long jump. To add glamour and clamour to your event, make your own Olympics torch and medals. And to raise funds for EIA, why not charge a small entry fee?

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