Hi John --
Rep. Cori Bush spent a sleepless night on the U.S. Capitol steps Saturday to protest the end of the eviction freeze. Despite a last minute scramble before a six-week adjournment, some members of Congress chose to leave early for the recess, and House Democrats failed to garner enough votes to pass an extension on the moratorium.
Now, while Congress is enjoying a vacation, more than 3.6 million Americans could be evicted -- all while the Delta variant rages across the country.
For Bush, the homelessness crisis hits close to home. Before running for Congress, she was evicted three times, and at one point she lived in her car with her young children. Last week, she introduced the Unhoused Bill of Rights -- legislation to get Congress to end the homelessness crisis by 2025. And while millions of Americans are now at risk of eviction, Bush has vowed to remain on the steps until Congress takes action.
Conservative representatives know nothing about what it's like to worry about their next paycheck or risk losing the roof over their heads. We want to make it clear to lawmakers in Washington that their inaction speaks volumes.
As Cori Bush urges Congress to do everything in its power to prioritize the health and safety of our communities, we need to show that the American people have her back:
Do you stand with Cori Bush?
Thank you for providing your input as we work to strengthen our democracy and support the progressive women bringing change to Washington.
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- A Woman's Place

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PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States