Dear John,
The impacts of climate breakdown, social injustice and attacks on democracy are all around us. And so too are countless examples of Green leadership rising to those challenges, in Westminster and in our communities. We know that people want urgent action – and they want honesty about the challenges alongside positive solutions. That’s a priority for the Green Party - and our priority as your Green Parliamentarians.
As an MP, Caroline is leading the campaign for new legislation that would bring our climate laws in line with the science. The ground-breaking Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill is backed by over 110 other MPs and would make action to cap temperature rises at 1.5 degrees a legal requirement. She has also co-launched a Global Alliance for a Green New Deal, so parliamentarians around the world can co-operate on making the changes needed to transform our economies and communities for a greener future.
In the House of Lords, Natalie has used the Government’s Environment Bill to call for Ecocide to be made an international crime. This would make it possible to pursue legal action against those who cause serious and intentional harm to the natural world, resulting in either widespread or long-lasting damage.
And in the wake of the murder of Sarah Everard, Jenny helped shift the debate about women needing to protect themselves to one focussed on dealing with a culture of male violence.
As part of her work defending free speech and civil liberties, Jenny has successfully changed counter-terrorism laws, so journalists and humanitarian workers travelling to an area that has been designated a terrorist threat to the UK are still legally protected.
Caroline has championed democracy by taking the Government to court over its scandalous cronyism in awarding PPE contracts, as well as by taking on the Prime Minister for lying to Parliament.
And Natalie has spoken out in the House of Lords about the hostile immigration environment, exposing exactly what the Government is doing and calling it to account for its actions.
All three Green Parliamentarians have played leading roles in securing changes to domestic abuse legislation – including on making the police record misogyny as a hate crime.
And Caroline is currently campaigning hard to get Parliament to debate how we measure economic success. She wants to shift the focus away from limitless growth and resource consumption towards a wellbeing economy. If you haven’t yet signed the petition to help do this, please click here and add your name today.
Green leadership is needed more than ever before in the run up to the COP26 climate talks in November in Glasgow, and as we recover from the Covid pandemic. Thank you for standing united with us, and with hundreds of other Green representatives across the country, as we show what a difference a Green in the room can make - and the impact of our collective power.
In solidarity,
Caroline, Jenny and Natalie