A Message from Black America's PAC

Action Fund

Dear John xxxxxx,

Boy, do I have some amazing news for you!

Recent polling shows that California's Democrat Governor, Gavin Newsom, is in serious threat of being voted out of office in his upcoming Recall Election on September 14...

Larry Elder is leading the recall election to replace

California's Democrat Governor ...and conservative radio host, filmmaker, & author Larry Elder has a 10-point lead in the Recall Election!

That means that conservative icon Larry Elder could become the Governor of California this year!

In fact, the Democrats are so afraid of Larry Elder that they DENIED his registration as a candidate to try to keep his name off the ballot.

Too bad for the Democrats that a judge quickly ruled against the Democrats and forced them to add Larry Elder's name to the ballot.

"The politicians in Sacramento know I'm the only candidate who can beat Gavin Newsom. They are afraid, and they are using whatever shenanigans they can to try to trip me up. It won't work."

Larry Elder has been one of the leading Black Conservative voices in America for the last 30 years. He's a popular talk radio host with three decades of experience, a best-selling conservative author, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, a frequent contributor on Fox News, and so much more!

Once you watch this video, you'll quickly see why Larry Elder is leading this critical recall election and why he is one of the most beloved conservative media figures in America:

Watch this video and you'll see why you should support

Larry Elder for Governor!

Now that Larry is on the ballot and leading the race, the Democrats have poured $40 MILLION into destroying him within the next month...

...and their comrades in the news media have unleashed a torrent of hit-pieces savagely attacking him.

It's painfully obvious they're out for blood, and they'll stop at nothing to destroy him.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your personal endorsement to Larry Elder, so he'll know he has your support as he fights to make history in this critical recall election this year...

...and along with your endorsement, I'm hoping and praying you'll also make an emergency donation to help elect Larry Elder as the next Governor of California on September 14.

John, this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to replace a tyrannical Democrat Governor of a Democrat state with a longtime Conservative champion...

...and we need strong, conservative Governors now more than ever before to fight back against the Democrats' federal overreach and tyranny.

With the Recall Election about a month away, Larry is going to need the support of every conservative he can get!

So please endorse conservative icon Larry Elder for Governor...

...and chip-in whatever you can to help elect Larry Elder in this critical Recall Election on September 14

Thank you and God Bless.

Alvin Williams, President Alvin Williams, President
? ? ? ? Alvin Williams
? ? ? ? President

? Black America's PAC Action Fund

Paid for by Black America's PAC Action Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.


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