Dear John,
My name is Aisha Adkins and I am the Constituency Organizer at Caring Across Generations.
Three years ago, I was searching for a way to make a lasting difference for a cause I cared about and connect with other caregivers on a meaningful level. That is when I was asked to join Caring Across as a Care Fellow. In that program, I learned how to tell my caregiving story and how policy advocacy can help make my family’s caregiving journey just a little easier. I also formed great relationships that I hold to this day.
Now it’s your turn to join an outstanding group of caregivers who are making waves in policy, popular culture, and the greater caregiving community. The application for the 2021 Care Fellows cohort is now open!
Submit your application before 11:59pm ET on Monday August 19.

The Care Fellowship began in 2019 with 8 family caregivers from around the United States who were interested in learning how they can use their experience and collective power to change the way that care is given, received, and viewed in this country.
You may have seen the Caring Across Generations Care Fellows in publications like the New York Times, Refinery29, and Blavity or making a plea to your elected officials at your state capitol or Washington D.C. They have also been featured in documentaries and at major rallies and demonstrations, including the Care Can't Wait rally and Communities of Care installation this June.
The Biden administration has made it clear they agree that the care infrastructure must be invested in and supported with the groundbreaking Better Jobs Better Care infrastructure bill. Now is an exciting time to learn about and impact policy and change history forever.
The Care Fellowship offers a unique opportunity to sharpen written and oral storytelling skills, learn about and advocate for caregiving policy, engage in civic leadership, and connect to other family caregivers.
Learn more information and apply for the fellowship here. Applications will close on Monday, August 19, 2021 at 11:59 pm ET.
For any questions, please contact me at [email protected].
With Care,
Aisha Adkins, Constituency Organizer
Caring Across Generations