This recall is close. Close enough to start thinking about what it’d be like if we had a Republican Governor in California. Sorry to put the thought in your head, but it’s true.
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Friends -

This recall is close. Close enough to start thinking about what it’d be like if we had a Republican Governor in California. Sorry to put the thought in your head, but it’s true.

That’s why we’re asking for $5 today.

Now, I know you’re thinking - how can $5 overcome the huge sums of money spent by Mike Huckabee, Trump donors and the RNC?

Well by the time you get to this part of the email, someone has chipped in $5. Now they’re hoping you’ll do the same. It all adds up. That’s how we win.

So we’re asking:

Can you please make a $5 contribution to help Gavin Newsom beat this Republican recall? Ballots arrive in less than two weeks so this is a time-sensitive request.

Think about it:

What would a science-denying Republican governor do to protect our state from drought, wildfires and other climate change induced realities?

Who would a Republican governor have appointed to replace Vice President Kamala Harris? What about judicial and other appointments?

What about COVID and vaccinations? The folks behind this recall block vaccine sites, they burn masks… what would the next year be like with a Republican governor?

Those are the stakes, and why we’re asking:

Can you please make a $5 contribution to help Gavin Newsom beat this Republican recall? Ballots arrive in less than two weeks so this is a time-sensitive request.



Team Newsom


Paid for by Stop the Republican Recall of Governor Newsom. Committee major funding from Reed Hastings, SEIU Local 2015, California Democratic Party

This email was sent to [email protected] . Email is a very important way we communicate with supporters like you, but if you want to, you can unsubscribe here .