We're used to demanding that Congress Members focus on their formal jobs. How many times have we wrung our hands when a Congress Member has declared their "opposition" to a war while voting to fund it, or put out a terrific press release on the Earth's climate while allowing key measures to be stripped from legislation?
Congresswoman Cori Bush already both talks the talk and walks the walk. Now she's done something else as well, something that should transform what we expect of members of Congress. She's demonstrated the extraordinary power of creative nonviolent action when taken by Congress Members.
When Bush started sleeping outside the U.S. Capitol to bring attention to the need for an extended moratorium on evictions (an extension that her actions successfully led to), her hometown newspaper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, was moved to publish an editorial with the headline "Cori Bush's antics generate publicity, but they won't change political reality."
But that's exactly what Bush's action did: it changed political reality. We still desperately need more Congress Members to take seriously the formal powers of their positions. But we also need them to use all the tools of creative civil resistance that are even more powerful in their hands than in ours. We should start expecting and demanding it. We should also thank Bush for raising the bar.
If you want to keep Cori Bush in Congress and support RootsAction's work, please click here.
RootsAction.org members supported Cori Bush for Congress last year, and again earlier this year when she'd proven her value in Washington. Now she's gone above and beyond, and at the same time that a corrupt election system has allowed corporate money, Republican money, pro-Israeli-government money, and unidentified money to defeat Nina Turner's campaign for Congress.
We have heightened expectations now. No longer should we be satisfied with mere Congress Members. We must demand activists, protesters, organizers, and agitators in a House of actual Representatives!
Click here to support Cori Bush.

Thank you!
--- The RootsAction.org Team
>> Common Dreams: "Cori Bush, Progressive Lawmakers and Activists Hailed for New CDC Eviction Moratorium"