Hi Friend,

📚 School’s back in session soon… 🤞🏼fingers crossed 🤞🏼it will be in-person.

… But not if the politically charged, heavily funded teachers unions get their way. 


“White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday reiterated that President Biden wants to see children back in classrooms, but would not commit to standing up to unions if forced to choose between the prolific Democratic donors and reopening schools.” - Fox News
Speak Up: 
Put Kids First in Education 

Even the CDC has recommended that schools reopen for in-person classes. They’re the experts on public health, particularly in terms of this pandemic response. (What ever happened to the proclamation of #TrustTheScience?!

Our government-run public school systems are failing students because teachers unions and union-backed superintendents and school board members are putting their own self-interests ahead of students’ best interests.

It’s time to put students first, not systems.

Parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers, administrators, and students need to know what this next year of school will look like. They deserve transparency and accountability from the school districts—and the freedom and opportunity to make a choice about what, where, and how their children learn. 

The administration and teachers unions need to stop playing politics with our children’s education. 

Share your thoughts on why they should put kids FIRST in education.


Julie Gunlock