"New York politics is a sewer."
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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WATCH: Pamela Geller Take Down Brazen, Unapologetic Sexual Predator Gov. Cuomo on Ezra Levant
Check out my appearance on Ezra Levant's show on Rebel Media discussing Cuomo's depraved attacks on young, defenseless women.

Cuomo is a sexual predator. That he was allowed to carry on with such impunity for years is further proff the Democrat ...

Democrat Autocrats Prep Massive Infrastructure Bill, Plan to Push Through Before Most Can Read It
The one-party totalitarians are now pushing to pass bills that haven't even been written or finished, a bill that will certainly bankrupt and ruin this nation.

One Payoff in the Infrastructure Deal Is So Blatantly Corrupt That You Almost Have ...

WATCH IN HORROR: Vile Antisemitic Rep Cori Bush’s Anti-Jews Speech On The Floor
America, we are lost. What next? Hitlerian exhortations in the Democrat Congress?

Masquerading as Jewish groups, left wing groups like the ADL, UJA, New Israel Fund attack and marginalized proud, fierce Jews like me while licking the bloody ...

OMG: Watch Gov DeSantis Rip Biden A New One
“Why don’t you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you.”

DESANTIS TO BIDEN: “Why don’t you do your job? Why don't you get this border ...

Audio of Crew on Hijacked British Tanker to Coast Guard: ‘Five or Six Armed Iranians’ on Board
Iranians stormed an asphalt tanker and tried to take it to their home country but the crew sabotaged the engines of the vessel so it could not move, according to UK government sources.

Giving a detailed account of yesterday’s attempted ...

Terror-State Iran HIJACKS Tanker Off UAE Coast
More provocation from Iran. It is stunning that the Biden Administration would continue to negotiate a nuke deal with this terror regime. Watch Senator Cruz's exchange with Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman re Iran below. And watch the ...

Israel’s Defense Minister Gantz’s Stark Warning,: ‘Iran Only 10 Weeks Away From Nuclear Breakout’
And the “Biden” administration is responsible.

Iran's leaders will continue to engage in nuclear blackmail because they know that the Biden Administration will not exercise a military option against Iran's nuclear program. Instead, the ...

German Warship Heads to South China Sea For First Time in 20 Years
“The German navy’s frigate Bayern set sail on Monday for the Indo-Pacific region, fully loaded with Berlin’s aspirations to play a small role in the geopolitical standoff between China and the West,” Defense News reports. “The first such ...

New York Times Killed COVID Origins Inquiry
China dropped a bio-weapon on the world. The Democrat-criminal-media is aiding and abetting the enemy.

These people hate you and mean to destroy your happiness, home, city, state, country. Treat them as such.

Note it's the foreign press ...

Buffalo Bills Eyeing Move to Texas
How many iconic corporations, professional sports teams, and institutions will abandon the crumbling state of New York in the years ahead? The Bills leaving Buffalo will suck whatever life is left from this struggling city. It is a real tragedy. ...

Elections Expert Releases FULL Voter Fraud Report for 2020 Election, Indicates 8.1M Excess Votes
Biden is not legitimate.

BREAKING: Elections Expert Releases FULL Voter Fraud Report for 2020 Election, Suggests 8.1M Excess Votes By: Renaissance Pundit, August 4, 2021

Former baseball analyst and Retired Army Intelligence Captain Seth ...

Masks And CRT Are Just The Start: It’s Time To Break The Public Schools, Here’s How
The left are abusing our children and destroying their most precious gift – the ability to think rationally.

It’s looking to be a miserable fall for school children, at least in the nation’s blue states.

Sure, they’ll finally be ...

“The Butcher of Tehran” Ebrahim Raisi inaugurated as President of Iran
Ebrahim Raisi is one of the most brutal human beings alive. Raisi has been responsible for mass executions, torture, terror, and theft against the people of Iran. Raisi is also a radical anti-Semite, and he despises America intensely. Under no ...

“Biden” Caves, Reverses Position on Evictions Moratorium After Democrat-Communists Revolt
This is slavery.

The Democrat war on property rights and individual liberty is a war on America itself. “America’s industrial progress, in the short span of a century and a half, has acquired the character of a legend: it has never been ...

Judge Orders Arizona Senate To Produce Maricopa Audit Records
“Willful blindness does not relieve Senate Defendants from their duties and obligations under the [Public Records Law],” he wrote.

Judge orders Arizona Senate to produce Maricopa audit records

By: Washington Exaimner, August 3, 2021: ...

Rutgers Student Groups Call for Defunding of Hillel and Other Jewish Organizations
Pro-jihad anti-semites  continue to terrorize pro-Israel Jewish Americans. Most especially on college campuses throughout the country. We will see how Deborah Lipstadt, the Biden Administration's nominee to combat anti-Semitism, deals with this ...

January 6th Was A Set-Up
Deep state provocation.

If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming ...

Crazy Commie Bernie Demands $3.5 Trillion Reckless Tax and Spending Spree … Or Else
Bernie Sanders is one of the most dangerous human beings ever seen in American politics. Today, he has significant power as head of the Senate Budget Committee. As such, it will not be good enough for the Republican Party to only re-take the House ...

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