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Advancing the progressive agenda

Sign this pledge: stop the rise of white nationalism
At the Progressive Party Hate Has No Home Here Support the Progressive Party - Sign this Pledge to Stop the Rise of White Nationalism - Let's send a clear message…
Obama: Stand up to "political" bullies
Stand up to bullies. During a speech in Illinois, Former President Barack Obama said President Donald Trump is "capitalizing on resentment that politicians have been fanning for years" and questioned…
Who are the Progressive Democrats within the Democratic Party
Americans are furious with the overt corruption and incompetence of our politicians and government. Throughout recent years, most Americans have experienced stagnate wages. Our morbid, economic growth is dangerously lower…
Health Care for All - Bernie Sanders
Today, more than 30 million Americans still dona€™t have health insurance and even more are underinsured. Even for those with insurance, costs are so high that medical bills are the…
Voters Favor the Progressive Party over President Trump's Republican Party
WASHINGTON – The polls, which for better or worse create conventional wisdom in the nation's capital, say happy days are here... So with voters saying they favor the progressive party…
Universal Health Coverage: Not A Radical Idea
Why can’t the United States do what every other major country has done and make health care a right to all? The time has come for this international embarrassment to…
Progressive Economics Are Ascendant—Among Democrats, and at the Ballot Box
Make no mistake, the Progressive Party is gaining and progressive ideas are winning. We are making large progress with bringing progressive ideas into mainstream. American people are joining in on…
We Love The Progressive Magazine
Love doesn’t follow politics – so they say – but we love The Progressive magazine. We promise, if it wasn’t for The Progressive magazine and its articles, who knows if…
The progressive renaissance of 2018 and 2020
PRESS RELEASE Will the Progressive Party  turn the progressive vision into the law of the land after the 2018 and 2020 elections? THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN.…
The Trump impeachment inquiry: Live updates (via CNN)
The House is moving forward with its impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Follow here for the latest. What we're covering here Second whistleblower: The lawyer for the first intelligence…
Your membership is expiring
PROGRESSIVE PARTY Dear Friend: Sustaining Members are the backbone of the Progressive Party. Your continuing support allows for the daily operation. Unfortunately your Sustaining Membership are about to expires on…
Special Offer from The Progressive Magazine
SPECIAL OFFER FOR PROGRESSIVES: JUST $10 A YEAR In times, were fake news are served daily and when most large media companies control what the American people read, The Progressive Magazine…