John -- I’m about to ask you to split a donation between Seth Moulton and my campaign. But first, a few facts about this critical race:

  • Ohio’s open Senate seat could decide if we’re able to hold our slim Democratic Senate majority. With a 50/50 split, we can’t afford to lose a single battleground race like this one.
  • National Republicans are already pouring millions of dollars into this race. One right-wing billionaire alone dropped $10 million into a super PAC.
  • I have multiple Republican opponents -- not one of them is looking out for the working class. We need to elect a Senator who will fight to cut workers in on the deal, not leave them behind.

We’re facing a summer fundraising slump, and we need to catch up fast. Our opponents will jump at the chance to outraise us. We need to raise another $10,000 over the next 24 hours to stay on track. So, will you split a donation today?


Together, I know we can pull this off.

-- Tim Ryan