
Alaska’s Western Arctic is a national treasure.

It’s not only a sight to behold. It’s also the home of iconic animals like polar bears, muskoxen, migratory birds, and caribou:

National Parks Service / Jason Gablaski

And it’s in imminent danger.

Alaska’s Western Arctic could face irreparable damage from the Willow Project, a massive oil development originally approved by the Trump administration with the potential to produce 260 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

That’s why it’s so concerning that the Department of Interior recently defended the Willow Project in court. This action doesn’t match up with our shared climate, environmental justice, and biodiversity goals.

We must do all we can to protect our public lands and waters — not destroy them.

So Representative Alan Lowenthal and I led our colleagues in demanding that the Interior rescind this decision. Will you add your name next to mine to call on the Department of Interior to reverse course and protect our environment?


Thanks for speaking out. Our public lands and waters are ours. It’s up to us to protect them.

—Martin Heinrich



Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States