Why is it important to pay attention to what they DO and not what they SAY? This is the perfect example: HR 4373, introduced by Barbara Lee, is yet another bill funding coups and funding Israeli crimes as well. The bill, which incidentally continues to use "Russian aggression" as an excuse, gives $3.3 billion to Israel unconditionally, gives money to the National Endowment For Democracy (which is a CIA front, so organizations don't have to report they are funded by the CIA), USAID, which is a regime change engine, pays Juan Guaido's salary, gives $800 million to propagandize the Middle East,  and funds coup actions in Colombia/Venezuela, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Georgia, Yemen and Cuba. It even funds airplanes to fight the war on drugs in the Andes, which is specifically states can be used for any program in any region and has a section which purports to protect whistle blowers, which we know is farce!
And who voted for this bill? Not just "anti-war" Barbara Lee, but also Ro Khanna (whose wife invests in weapons), Ilhan Omar, Mike Thompson, Marie Newman, Betty McCollum (who actually wrote the bill trying to tie Israel aid to human rights, guess she didn't care that much), Mondaire Jones, Pramila Jayapal, Jared Huffman, Mark DeSaulnier, and Jamaal Bowman. This is money that goes to killing people. And they haven't even covered the rents yet or provided healthcare during a pandemic. This is a disgrace!
Today 500 people, including several billionaires and many multi-millionaires, will be celebrating Barack Obama's birthday at the $12 million oceanfront castle of the president who presided over a foreclosure crisis as his Wall Street donors profited off throwing millions of people out of their homes and oversaw the greatest upward transfer of wealth in world history (at that time).
Apartheid Defense Forces murdered an 11-year-old child, then raided the offices of the organization that publicized the killing. This is Israeli fascism. Two children were murdered by IDF soldiers within 24 hours. 10 Palestinian shops were demolished in the village of Hizma. Ethnic cleansing in West Bank and East Jerusalem has gone on as planned. The Palestinian families in Sheik Jarrah were told by a court they couldn't even understand that they can stay in their homes if they acknowledge apartheid and Jewish supremacy. And the US is going to give Israel $3.3 billion more to fund this, without requiring that Israel abide by human rights laws. Because our government is sociopathic and fascist, and so is Israel's.
I am amazed at the lack of public outcry that the US has aligned itself with the organization that perpetrated 9/11. We were supposed to be fighting a "war on terror" to destroy al Qaeda, but ended up allied with them in order to coup a popularly elected leader, and repeatedly trying to frame that leader for chemical weapons attacks. Couping leaders over geopolitical interests does not qualify as fighting terror. It qualifies as terror. The biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world is the US.
Both Democrat and Republican voters are right about some issues, and about the other party. But both parties are puppets of the same group of oligarchs. Yeah, one is pro-choice and pro-refugee. And one is ostensibly pro-rights and pro-security. All of those things are good things. The problem is the assumption that one of the other parties is on YOUR side when the oligarchs controlling them are not. We cannot defeat the two party system as long as we allow one of the puppets to pretend to be our friend. We MUST go around the puppeteer, and I mean about 200 million of us need to do that. As impossible as that may seem, we will endure corporate rule and imperialism until that happens. And every election we will continue to endorse the same establishment politicians and policies out of our popular refusal to do that.
People's Party Plan

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