This summer we’ve witnessed the escalating harm from climate change. We’ve seen unprecedented floods, heat waves, record wildfires and droughts.

The truth is: the lights are blinking RED and this is a critical moment for action.

Throughout my career, I have fought and passed measures to protect our environment and address the human causes behind accelerating climate change. And I’m not giving up now.

Senate Democrats’ budget plan has a raft of proposals in it to attack the climate crisis head-on and save our planet. Among them is the Clean Energy Accelerator program that Sen. Ed Markey and I have been pushing for years.

It will make big investments in new clean energy technologies to create millions of jobs, cut carbon emissions, and help us lay the groundwork to move toward a post fossil fuel economy.

It’s crucial that climate programs like the accelerator and my Polluters Pay Climate Fund legislation become law as quickly as possible. There’s simply no time left to waste.

If you agree, add your name to my petition today calling for the swift passage of Senate Democrats’ budget proposal and these key climate initiatives to address the five-alarm emergency happening all around us.

Thank you for raising your voice to protect this planet for current and future generations.
