


Since the very first day of the COVID outbreak, Dr. Fauci and the CDC have offered a slew of “expert” recommendations on how to stop the spread.


As you well know, nearly every one of their predictions and recommendations has been completely wrong. 


That hasn’t stopped the far-left from doing everything in their power to restrict our Constitutional rights and civil liberties in the name of “public safety.”


Now, liberal governors and state and local elected officials across the country are preparing to reinforce another round of unconstitutional lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing orders, and vaccine passports. 


Thankfully, Governor Abbott isn’t giving in. 


Earlier this week, Governor Abbott issued an executive order that would punish local judges and elected officials who enforce mask mandates, COVID-related business restrictions, and vaccination passports.  


I thank Governor Abbott for this critical, common-sense action. 


John, will you join me in thanking Gov. Abbott for not backing down to leftist demands?



At the end of this week, I plan on sending Governor Abbott the names of every freedom-loving Texan who signs this ‘Thank You’ card. 


So, after you sign your name, I hope you’ll also leave a brief message thanking him for standing up for individual freedom. 




Matt Rinaldi

Chairman, Republican Party of Texas 


Paid for and Authorized by
the Republican Party of Texas

P.O. Box 2206
Austin, TX 78768

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