Tell TCEQ to deny Max Midstream’s permit

Dear John,

Max Midstream is a little-known oil company funded by a British billionaire. The company wants to dredge a mercury-laden Superfund site in Matagorda Bay and build a massive crude oil export facility on our Texas Gulf Coast. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) needs to give Max Midstream a permit to let this devastating project continue. We need TCEQ to protect communities and deny the permit.

Submit a comment now urging TCEQ to deny Max Midstream’s air permit! 

The Max Midstream dredging and oil export facility project will harm the health of local residents, especially hard-working fishing communities who rely on Matagorda Bay for their livelihood. The project would emit dangerous carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulfide, and volatile organic compounds. But Max Midstream claims it doesn’t need to use the best available pollution control technologies. 

Your comments make a difference! After community members submitted almost 90 requests for a public meeting in just 48 hours, TCEQ agreed to hold a meeting on the proposed permit and extended the written comment deadline. The meeting will take place virtually on August 17th, 2021.
I need to level with you. Close to 30 oil and gas export projects are planned along the Gulf Coast. This is extreme. It’s dangerous to communities and the climate. Especially if done with weak pollution rules. It’s important to show TCEQ that Texans care about the Gulf and are watching their actions. The climate and the local Matagorda Bay community can’t afford to let TCEQ rubber-stamp this permit. 

Thanks for standing up to Max Midstream.

In Solidarity,


Anaïs Peterson, Earthworks

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