Hi John,

Save the date! WAVE Educational Fund is excited to announce our new day of giving campaign--WAVE of Hope--happening on National Nonprofit Day, which is August 17, 2021. We've planned a day of great music, interesting videos, and more for you on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages!

What: WAVE of Hope Day of Giving Campaign

When: All Day on August 17, 2021


As part of this exciting day, we will be running a special 24-hour campaign on Tuesday, August 17th, to raise the funds we'll need to do our work in the coming months. It's a time for us to come together as a community, celebrate our accomplishments, spread the word of our good work, and share our hopes for the future of the gun violence prevention movement.

Please join us for our WAVE of Hope as we unite in our hope for a future free of gun violence. You can help us by sharing the news of our campaign, signing up to be an ambassador, and giving, if you can. 

Our work to prevent gun violence, injuries, and deaths and promote social justice is more vital now than ever. This day of giving is one of the many ways you can make a real difference. Please visit our campaign page for more information and how to get involved.

We look forward to having you join us for this special campaign. Together, we can transform Wisconsin into a place free from gun violence!




WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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