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Dear Friend,

The Mississippi Center for Public Policy has just published a bombshell report on top public sector pay. Our report reveals how:

  • Mississippi’s State Superintendent for Public Education earns $300,000 per year, making her one of the highest paid State Superintendents in America.
  • Dozens of district education bureaucrats are paid more than the State Governor ($122,160 per year), who does not even rank in the top fifty highest paid officials.
  • Education bureaucrats are some of the highest paid officials – despite presiding over some of the worst education outcomes.
  • The average salary of the 24 School District Superintendents on the list is $175,000 – more than the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court earns.
  • Some of the WORST performing school districts pay education bureaucrats the HIGHEST salaries.
  • Capping all School District Superintendent pay below what the Governor earns would produce taxpayer savings of $2 million a year, enough to pay for 50 additional teachers.

For years, we have been told that poor education outcomes were a consequence of underfunding. So how come there is enough money to pay soaring salaries to bureaucrats?
The Fat Cat report suggests that the problem is a chronic lack of public accountability – which explains more soaring salaries and poor education standards.
Our report makes a series of recommendations to ensure meaningful oversight of public sector bosses. READ OUR FAT CAT REPORT HERE.

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. Our policy report in Mississippi has attracted national attention. Have a click on some of the links below to watch what Fox News and others had to say ….
Douglas Carswell joined Fox News to discuss the new report and highlight some of its most important findings.
Yahoo News highlighted the Fox discussion of the Fat Cat Report here.
Paul Gallo and Douglas Carswell discuss the report and its findings in this video interview.
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