Hi there Democracy Advocates!

Last week the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) held its annual meeting, and the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) has been reporting on the shady corporate lobbying group's activities.

Meanwhile, CMD filed an IRS complaint and is filing 15 state complaints against ALEC and its legislative leaders for illegally giving and receiving sophisticated voter management campaign software linked to the Republican National Committee to help their campaigns.

These complaints have generated dozens of stories in national, state, and local news outlets, amplifying our work.

Here’s the latest!

The Latest on ALEC 

Watchdogs File Complaints in 15 States Against ALEC for Illegal Campaign Scheme

Complaints by CMD, Common Cause, and Alliance for a Better Utah allege that ALEC illegally gave sophisticated voter management campaign software linked to the RNC worth $6 million in the 2020 elections to its legislative members.

ALEC’s Annual Meeting Queues Up Fights Over Federal Powers, Fossil Fuels, Big Tech, Labor Rights, and the GOP’s Culture Wars

ALEC held its first post-Trump in-person meeting last week in Salt Lake City, Utah at the five-star Grand America Hotel.

ALEC Inspires Lawmakers to File Anti-Critical Race Theory Bills

Known for pushing bills that protect corporate interests, ALEC jumps back into culture wars to oppose teaching of systemic racism in schools.


The Center for Media and Democracy is working to file campaign finance complaints in 15 states. Please donate now to help CMD expose ALEC's illegal campaign contributions!

If you'd like to send us a check, please mail it to:

Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, WI 53725-9010


More Coverage from CMD

ALEC’s PR Man has a Dark Past as Spin Doctor for African Dictators

ALEC's head of public relations whitewashed abuses committed by dictatorial regimes in Equatorial Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Dark Money Voter Suppression Group Holds “Academy” for Lawmakers Before ALEC Annual Meeting

ALEC held an “exclusive, invitation-only academy” for state lawmakers with the Honest Elections Project on July 26-28 in Salt Lake City, Utah prior to the start of its Annual Meeting.


At Least 100 ALEC Lawmakers Signed Letter Opposing Worker Protections in PRO Act

ALEC Action organized a letter signed by 100 lawmakers to members of Congress urging them to oppose the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act).


House GOP Launches “Faith in Elections Project”

Republicans on the U.S. House Administration Committee launched the “Faith in Elections Project” on July 16 to combat efforts by Democrats to safeguard elections and expand access to the ballot box.


CMD Around the Web

Our ALEC complaints were covered in the national, state, and local media. Here are some of the latest articles.

  • Tennessee Lookout: Watchdog coalition files complaints against ALEC in 15 state
  • Wisconsin Examiner: Is ALEC helping Republicans campaign in violation of its tax status?
  • Michigan Advance: Breaking: Complaint alleges Michigan GOP lawmakers got illegal campaign money from ALEC
  • KJZZ: 2 Utah senators named in campaign finance complaint, but is there evidence of wrongdoing?
  • The Detroit News: Watchdog group files campaign finance complaint against Michigan lawmakers
  • Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Watchdog groups allege campaign finance violations against ALEC in Pa., 14 other states
  • Connecticut Mirror: Connecticut drawn into fight over conservative ALEC’s tax-exempt status
  • Tulsa World: Political notebook: New AG O'Connor says Roe v. Wade "antithetical" to nation's principles

Additional citations about other topics include:

  • The Hill: Protest repression and the new public/private Federalism
  • Wisconsin Examiner: The organized takeover of Wisconsin courts
  • The Spokesman-Review: The Washington Policy Center is a champion of our state’s wealthiest citizens, at the expense of working families and communities of color

Truthout and Common Dreams both republished our story on ALEC’s annual meeting. Common Dreams also republished our piece on ALEC and critical race theory.


CMD Joins New Independent Media Network

Last week, CMD joined OptOut, a new network of financially independent, diverse, truth-telling news sites, magazines, podcasts, and video channels. The nonprofit OptOut Media Foundation is building a news app to promote CMD and other exclusively independent outlets. Fellow participants include In These Times, The American Prospect, Sludge, and Jacobin.

To find out more about the app, click here, and sign up for OptOut's free weekly newsletter.


Thank you for supporting the Center for Media and Democracy and reading our work at Exposed by CMD! Have a great week.

Arn H. Pearson
Executive Director

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010  | Madison, Wisconsin 53725-9010
608-260-9713 | [email protected]

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