
In case you haven’t heard, Autocrat Nancy Pelosi has decided to fine me and several of my colleagues for daring to follow the science and take off our masks!

Pelosi cares about one thing: CONTROL, over our lives, our businesses, how we raise our children, and how we exercise our liberties.

I believe that Congress is the embodiment of American freedom - the people elect leaders to represent them and together they form the laws of our nation. However, the Radical Socialists in the House seem to think that our Congress is just a tool for silencing and punishing conservative speech!
This isn’t just about masks, this is about Radical Socialists thinking they can legislate in whatever manner they see fit! When vaccines have already been shown to have over 99.5% effectiveness in preventing covid, requiring everyone to wear masks simply isn’t reasonable and isn’t based on the science of the matter.

Now as many unvaccinated Americans wonder if the shot is worth it, requiring a mask regardless of vaccination status will have them asking - what’s the point?
I will not stand for the Socialist power-grab that is mandatory masks and vaccines. Americans deserve the right to choose what’s best for them! 

I am doing everything I can to fight back against the Socialists, but when they are ready to fine me for making a justified point, I know the time of reasoning with them is over! I want to get these Radicals out of our Congress but I’m going to need your help to see it done! Can I count on you to pitch in today and help me fight back against the Radical Left’s mask mandate?

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne