Canadians deserve better – and we’re ready to fight back, John. //


There are just five days left in this campaign and our momentum is strong. But with each new surge of NDP support, the Liberals and Conservatives are doubling down on their attacks.

We can’t let them slow us down, John. That’s why we’ve got the dedicated Fight Back Fund – to push back against their attacks during these final days of the campaign.

Here’s where you stand so far, John:

Supporter ID: [email protected]
Your 2019 donations so far: $0
Your contribution to the election Fight Back Fund: Not yet! *

Suggested next step: Chip in $3 to the Fight Back Fund to make a big difference in the last 5 days of this campaign!

I want to Fight Back!

The Liberals and Conservatives know that Canadians will benefit most from our plan for the country, and are attacking us in order to protect their super wealthy friends. Their negative campaigns are the perfect example of why Canadians deserve better, and why our campaign for hope and courage is convincing people that it’s time to vote for what they actually believe in.

But getting that message out and pushing back against the attacks takes resources, John. Help spread the message by chipping in $3 to the Fight Back Fund today:

Thanks for your support!

Your NDP Team

* Does this number look wrong? We try our best to get it right, but sometimes your donations are associated with a different email, or are recent and haven’t made it into our email database yet. These numbers also may not reflect your generous donations on the phone, or to local campaigns. We appreciate all of your support!


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
